The Partica article viewer supports AdSense or DCP ads, allowing you to easily monetize your mobile-first publication without needing to sell ad spaces yourself.

Google AdSense is a free online service which allows publishers to automatically serve targetted text, video, and image-based advertisements on their site, blog, or digital publication.

DoubleClick for Publishers is an online advertising software as a service which also be used as an ad server, but it also provides a variety of features for managing the sales process of online ads using a publisher's dedicated sales team.

Google AdSense

1. If you do not already have a free account you will need to sign up for one to get started. 

2. Create a responsive ad unit and apply any optional text and channel customizations to enable more targetted ads to be fed through to your digital publication.

3. Collect your ad code:

4. Within your code you will find the Client ID and the Ad Slot ID: 




Copy these codes out and paste them into the following HTML string:

<adsense ad-client="ca-pub-7728147890820110" ad-slot="5154032070" inline-style="display:inline-block; min-width:320px;max-width:728px;width:100%;min-height:50px;max-height:90px;height:100%;"></adsense>

5. This HTML can now be pasted directly into an article via MANAGE ARTICLES on the Partica Dashboard.

You can also run Google ads on the top of the screen, click here for instructions.

DoubleClick for Publishers

If you do not already have a DFP account, you can create one here:

> <googlepublishertag ad-network-id="2895918" ad-slot-name="Back_Issues_Portrait" ad-slot-id="div-gpt-ad-1471838877474-0" ></googlepublishertag>