1.  If you do not currently have a Google Analytics account, go to https://analytics.google.com/ and sign in with your Gmail account and click Sign Up.

2. Click on the ADMIN tab:

NOTE: You will need to create a new "property" for each URL that you want to track. Properties are grouped under "Accounts". You can set each property up under a new account, add them into an existing account, or create a new account which will house all of your title URLs. 

If you wish to create a new account, click the account drop-down menu and select "Create a new account":

(If you wish to create a new property under an existing account, select the account from the drop-down, and then from the property drop-down, select "Create new property".)

2. In account setup, enter the name of your account.

3. Next you will need to set up a property to track your title URL. 

Enter the name associated with the URL (eg. title name). Next, enter the URL for your title and enter your Time Zone, Industry (optional), and data sharing preferences.

Furthermore, show advanced options and make sure that Creature Universal Analytics properties is turned on.

This is there you will be able to add in the website url. Please ensure you select HTTPS from the drop down

Also ensure create both a google analytics 4 and a universal analytics property is selected and enhanced measurement is turned on.

4. After the setup is completed, go to the property, ensure that the Universal GA is selected; Click Property Settings and grab the tracking ID code.

5. Login to the Partica dashboard and select the title you set up for tracking from the list: 

Click the Google Analytics option from the toolbar.

Paste in the code and click VALIDATE AND SAVE.