To access the article extraction tool, first login to the Partica dashboard and select the title and then the issue you wish to extract.


You will be taken to the article extraction tool. On the left-hand side of the screen you will see the page previewer

All selectable images on the page will be outlined with a green box, and all selectable text will be outlined by the blue boxes.

NOTE:  If your page has a lot of image or text blocks overlapped, you can switch on/off the image or text overlays to make extraction easier using the following commands:

You can jump between pages using the navigation tool:

As you start extracting articles for your issue you will be able to bring up all of these in the ARTICLE LIST:

This menu also contains a thumbnail view of all pages in the issue, for an easy visual reference:

There is also a list of all selectable images available on the current page you are viewing. 

To add an image from this list into your article, simply click the arrow to the right of the image.

Images can be added to your article by following this method, or by double clicking the image in the page previewer.

On the right-hand side of the page you will see the article editor:

The article extraction tool is divided into a few different tabs:

1. The Basic information tab includes the article's headline, corresponding flipbook page number, section, subheading, and contributor.

2. The text tab contains a text editor. This is where you will be extracting and styling the article body text.

3. The images tab will contain a list of all images you have extracted or uploaded for the article.

4. The last tab contains some advanced tools for setting up the article abstract and metadata tags.

Once you have finished extracting an article, click UPDATE:

To start extracting a new article, click ADD ARTICLE, or to close the Article Extraction tool, click the (X) button:

Make sure you save your work before you exit.