/* image for the background desktop / tablet view */

.container main#content #flipbook-cover {background-image: url('https://PUT YOUR FULL URL TO THE BACKGROUND IMAGE HERE'); background-size:100%; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; color: #fff; font-family: Arial; font-size:1.145rem; font-style: normal; }

/* image for the background mobile view */

.container main#content #coverImageSection {background-image: url('https://PUT YOUR FULL URL TO THE BACKGROUND IMAGE HERE'); background-size:100%; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; color: #fff; font-family: arial; font-size:1.145rem; font-style: normal; }

/* colour for the welcome message */

.container main#content #coverImageSection .cover-detail h2{color:#fff;}

/* Hide the welcome message */
.container main#content #coverImageSection .cover-detail h2{font-size:0px;}
.container main#content #coverImageSection .cover-detail h1{font-size:0px;}

/* make the cover smaller */

.container main#content #flipbook-cover { height: 140px;}

.container main#content #flipbook-cover .flipbook-cover-image-wrap-outer, .container main#content #flipbook-cover .flipbook-cover-image-wrap-outer .flipbook-cover-image-wrap-inner .flipbook-cover-image { height: 130px;}

/* hide the flipbook symbol hover wording */

.container main#content #flipbook-cover .flipbook-cover-text-light {font-size:0px;}

/*hide cover from mobile */
.container main#content #coverImageSection .cover-image .image, .container main#content #coverImageSection .cover-image-article-only .image {display:none;}

/*keep background banner size*/
.container main#content #coverImageSection {height:195px;}

/*hide cover from desktop */
.container main#content #flipbook-cover .flipbook-cover-image-wrap-outer .flipbook-cover-image-wrap-inner .flipbook-cover-image {display:none;}